
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Zoo enclosure


This is my Zoo enclosure for my hybrid animal.My hybrid animal is a mix between a Cheetah and giraffe.
 I thought I did really well on this but I think i can improve if I added some more detail to the habitat and added more to the text.I think I did a pretty good job on everything besides that.

Comment down below your feedback and I hope you liked it.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Marbled Cone Snail Poster


This is my Marbled Cone Snail Warning Poster.
This poster is about the toxic marbled cone snail on the beach I thought this was pretty cool and fun.
I put a lot of work into this but I think I could of put more effort into the design cause the snail does look like a poop.I think I did pretty good and I do wonder if this was real people would notice it.
Give me some feedback if you want and tell me would you notice this on the beach?  

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Circus Poster


This is my Circus Poster.I thought I did pretty good with these and put a lot of hard work into it.
I think I could of added more color and detail to everything.
Other then that I think I did pretty good on everything else like matching the animal with its activity.
Leave a comment down below for your feedback. 

Strange Animals Attribute


This is my Strange Animal Attribute Organizer.I thought this was pretty cool and I learnt a lot about all the strange animals on the documents.I thought I did pretty good with my grammar and spelling.I did think I didn't add enough detail for some parts. But for some of them there wasn't enough detail when doing research.Leave some feedback in the comments down below if you want.