
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Things employers are looking for


This is my poster of what employers might be looking for.
These are the things that I think you would need if you wanted to get a job somewhere.
I think most of these are fair and easy to do.This was the most I could think up.I think next time I should add more detail.if you have anything you would like to see on this list just comment.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Vision of my future


This is my post of the Vision of my future.This was very fun to do considiring I could tell people about me and what motivates me and ect...This let me talk about myself which was nice.I think next time I could add more detail into it.If you would like you can leave some feedback in the comments.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What Am I Quiz


This is my ocean What Am I Quiz.
This quiz is about sea life.
It was very easy but some of the questions made me think of diffrent animals.
It was very fun and I hope I get the chance to do this again.
If I got any of them wrong just leave some feed back in the comments.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Ocean Word Puzzle


This is my Ocean Word Puzzle. It was very easy cause I did do something similar before involving oceans so I took my knowledge from that and used it now.
The only thing that was kind of hard was the fact that I forgot most of the oceans names.
Other then that I think I got the most of them right.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Famous Landmarks


This is my Famous Landmarks slide.In this I had to fill out info about the famous landmark as you can see. There are 8 famous landmarks on this slide this was a very intresting topic to learn about.I think I did really good on this but next time I do something like this I can add the width instead of the height.Other then that I hope you like it and add some feedback in the comments if you would like.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Continents Attribute Organiser


This is my Continents Attribute Organiser.
I made this and learnt alot of new things and facts in the proccese of making this.
I think I did really well i should just add some more detail and I think I also got most of this correct.
Other then that I think I did pretty well and give some feedback if you would like. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Tokyo Olympic Poster


This is my Tokyo Olympics Poster. 
The four sports on the poster happen to be volleyball archery swimming and handball these are all sports that happen to be in the Tokyo Olympics.
I have played all of these sports. My favorite sport out of these would be volleyball cause considering your only aloud to touch the ball once its a very good team sport that's why I like it.
I think I did good but next time i should make it more detailed and take time.
I do hope you like it tho. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Kono Suba


This is my mozaic art.This is a mozaic art of a character from the anime Kono Suba.
I did this in my free time cause it was fun and I wanted to see the results.
I decided to do this cause I love anime and it really interest me.
I thought I did pretty good and I didn't leave to much space so I think this looks really good.
Leave your feedback in the comments below. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Letter for matariki


This is my letter to Jacinda Ardern to ask for a new national holiday.
This is a hypothetical letter so this wont happen but it would be cool if this could happen.
I thought I did really good on this but I think I could better and add more things to make this more realistic.
But other then that I think I did really good and I hope you like it.
If you want you can leave feedback in the comments down below.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Zoo enclosure


This is my Zoo enclosure for my hybrid animal.My hybrid animal is a mix between a Cheetah and giraffe.
 I thought I did really well on this but I think i can improve if I added some more detail to the habitat and added more to the text.I think I did a pretty good job on everything besides that.

Comment down below your feedback and I hope you liked it.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Marbled Cone Snail Poster


This is my Marbled Cone Snail Warning Poster.
This poster is about the toxic marbled cone snail on the beach I thought this was pretty cool and fun.
I put a lot of work into this but I think I could of put more effort into the design cause the snail does look like a poop.I think I did pretty good and I do wonder if this was real people would notice it.
Give me some feedback if you want and tell me would you notice this on the beach?  

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Circus Poster


This is my Circus Poster.I thought I did pretty good with these and put a lot of hard work into it.
I think I could of added more color and detail to everything.
Other then that I think I did pretty good on everything else like matching the animal with its activity.
Leave a comment down below for your feedback. 

Strange Animals Attribute


This is my Strange Animal Attribute Organizer.I thought this was pretty cool and I learnt a lot about all the strange animals on the documents.I thought I did pretty good with my grammar and spelling.I did think I didn't add enough detail for some parts. But for some of them there wasn't enough detail when doing research.Leave some feedback in the comments down below if you want.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

VR brochure


This is my VR brochure.I thought this was really cool and I think I did really well.
Soon I hope all of this can one day come to reality although most of this you can already do. This was really fun but I think I could do better with the images cause it does look kinda plain.But other then that I think I did pretty good leave a comment if you want.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Video game roles


This video game role blog post.This was really fun and I thought I knew a lot about game design but this taught me more then I knew.I think next time I could add more detail around the pictures cause it is a little plain.Give me some feedback in the comments below if wanted.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Video game's timeline


This is my video game timeline.This video game timeline was really cool and I learnt a lot about video games from the 80's.I thought this was really cool but sadly I had to skip a year cause I didn't have enough information.I think I could of added more detail to the slides like the info or better pictures.But other then that I think I did pretty good.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Video game character


This is my video game character.This was really fun and easy because I made something just like this 2 years ago so I already had an idea of what to do.this is really cool but I think I could of added more detail to the character like legs. Other then that I think I did really good and I hope you like it  

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Gaming brochure


This is my gaming brochure.I think this is a really cool topic cause I know a decant amount about gaming.
I think next time I could add more detail to the things I say and the brochure its self so it will look better. I think everyone should play the games I listed at the bottom cause it could be helpful.But other then all that I think I did really good. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Stress brochure


This is my Stress brochure I worked on this and I think if your stressing out you could use these methods.
I do still hope your not stressing out if your reading this.But next time I think I could do better with decorations.    

Thursday, March 11, 2021

My very own word find


So this is my word find and its got 10 words if you would like to do my word find that would be great.The words are vertical horizontal backwards and diagonal so the backwards ones are very tricky.Other then that I did put 3 or 2 of the same letters next to each other so you might notice that ill try to do better with that next time and here are the words. concussion is also spelled without a c in the middle.





Frontal lobe


Parietal lobe

Occipital lobe

Temporal lobe

 and there is also Conner is the best

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

System poster


This is my nervous system poster that I put a lot of research into and I also learnt some cool facts while researching.So now I know which parts of the brain function which but overall I think I did really good on this.I think I can improve by decorating more cause this seems a little to plain. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

parts of the human brain


This is really cool I only knew about the cerebellum and spinal cord the rest of these I didn't know so this my fun fact of the day I know 1 or 2 deeper parts of the brain. I can't remember them but if I see it I should remember. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

New zealand timeline


This is my new Zealand timeline and it took a lot of research for this since this was 10 pages instead of 7 like the last one.I learnt a lot about this through research there were a lot of cool facts I didn't know about so I was really glad I did this.    

Teamwork tips


This was really nice and I think that it would actually help with a sport. I found this pretty easy but hard at the same time cause at first there were a lot of idea's i could think of but then close to the end I couldn't think of any. Other then that was really fun and I would think of this during sport like soccer.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Americas cup timeline


This was my americas cup timeline I think I did well. But there were a few years I had to skip cause there was not enough info about those match's. Other then that I think I did good.