
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Famous Landmarks


This is my Famous Landmarks slide.In this I had to fill out info about the famous landmark as you can see. There are 8 famous landmarks on this slide this was a very intresting topic to learn about.I think I did really good on this but next time I do something like this I can add the width instead of the height.Other then that I hope you like it and add some feedback in the comments if you would like.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Continents Attribute Organiser


This is my Continents Attribute Organiser.
I made this and learnt alot of new things and facts in the proccese of making this.
I think I did really well i should just add some more detail and I think I also got most of this correct.
Other then that I think I did pretty well and give some feedback if you would like.