
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

my poster

this is my poster it was super fun and i had a really good time doing this and i think i was really creative and i got better at cropping but i still need to use shapes more tho but sometimes i will over use shapes and sometimes i wont use it at all like now but this was still very fun

Thursday, July 23, 2020

70's sports kit

this is my basket ball kit and i think i did really well on this since i only did shapes and no more images i need to get better at thinking of my own things and i needed to copy this it did not come of the top of my mind

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

70's ME!

this is me if i was in the 70's this was very fun and i also had a bit of a laugh and this did not take me long one thing i need to work on is using shapes maybe instead of images all the time but still i did well on the research

70's inventions

Today we have moved on to the 70's and are now learning about this.This is going to be just as much fun as the 90's still feels alot harder but feels worth it and i also learnt a few things about the 70's

Friday, July 3, 2020

Similarities and differences

this is my  Similarities and differences for the 90's cloths and makeup trends this took a lot of time and searching but it was still pretty fun since there is nothing else to pass the time

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2000 music lyrics meanings

this is my 2000 music and what i think the lyrics mean you can have a different opinion but this is my opinion thank you and this will be a little harder to read for you but the meaning is on the right of the doc your welcome