
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Festival info

This is my festival info.It has info about all type's of festival's this took me a while to complete. I learnt a lot about the last two i hope the info i have given you seem's helpful.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

guy fawkes fireworks


This is my guy fawkes firework's poster.This was a really tricky one it might look easy but its was so hard to find a firework with a transparent background. So i just ended up removing the background my self cause it was taking to long.I hope you liked it tho bye.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

St patrick's day photo

This is my st patrick's day photo. I needed  real people's face's for this one. and as you can see i'm a god a st patty's day if you didn't know my last name is patrick too. So thats pretty cool i hope you like it tho   


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Multicultural menu


This is my multicultural menu. This is a menu with food's from different country's i did biltong with no info because i am from south africa so i know what it need's.When i made this it made me really hungry.I hope i have time to make something like  this again soon.Hope you like it 

Monday, November 30, 2020

Diwali report


 This is my diwali report. i have actually seen it in a movie but i didn't know what it was but know i know what it is thank's to some research and i want to see this in person.It looks really cool i think you would like it. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

My day of the dead costume


This is my day of the dead costume.Behind that mask is my face and i couldn't put make up on so i put on a mask and i needed my face in this.I thought that this meant a zombie kind of theme but i searched it up first.I hope you like it tho. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Wildfood ad

This is my wildfood festival advertisement and my one is last slide i spent a long time on it (45 min) i tried to make mine colorful like the other's.I think it look's cool and i hope you think it's cool too!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

canterbury landscape's


This is my canterbury landscape. I think this look's really cool it was really hard to see what was in the middle of the canterbury plain's so i just put a light house. It's not much but i like it and i hope you like it too! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


this is my country brochure.You will find out a lot about south africa and the things you can do there. I hardly had to do research because i came from south africa so i know alot about south africa.I hope you like it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

basketball match report


this one is fake as i said and i really worked hard on this and i think it looks great and there will be no more sports match reports but i hope you like it 

rugby match report


this is my rugby match report and the cool thing about this is i was at this game so i wrote down most the things i knew at the game then next one will be my basket ball match report and it will also be made up but i hope you like this

netball match report


this is my netball match report and this one was also made up but i promise my next one is real and my next one will be my rugby match report but for now i hope you will like this

Thursday, October 15, 2020

football match report


This is my football match report.It's not actually real i just made everything up like the score and everything.maybe i will do this on a real match next time but till then this should look good.

all blacks redesign


This is my new all black's logo.I think it look's pretty good.Next time i will try to use more color so it will look better.The all blacks logo look's just as cool as this i hope you like it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

netball kit


This is my netball kit and i thought i could of done better but i did better than my basketball blog post.The good thing about this one is i didn't use web pictures so i think i did better. i hope you like it! 

New laker's design

this is my design for the laker's. I think that it looks really nice and it would be cool if they used it.I didn't know much about basketball and the teams so i had me friends help me with that.It was really cool i got to do this it was fun and i learnt a bit about basketball i hope you like it!


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Soccer kit design!


This is my soccer uniform i made. I did this for fun and also i don't know what the tigers are so i just picked something random. Plus i think i did good since i also have ad's i hope you like it!

Monday, September 21, 2020

ako video

Maths work



Friday, September 18, 2020

ballet fact file


this is ninette de valois and this is my fact file about her me and my friend worked on this together to make this quick for you and i hope you get enough info from this thank you

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

dance crew


the one typing now is the one on the left i like anime games and music and the one in the middle is our little pet all he does is poop and thats all the one on the right likes connect 4 games and cars and thats all you need to know about our dance crew

Thursday, September 10, 2020


these are my logo's and theses would be my logo's if i ran all of these companies i had a friend help me out with this and i feel with enough time i could of done this by myself.

Friday, September 4, 2020

color line


this is my color line and the line above it is the primary secondary neutral i think i could have added more colors but this was the looked fine to me but i never knew black white and grey were neutral colors ok bye!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

initials logo


this is my logo if i put my initials in a logo if you did not know my first and last name is Conner patick so i made it into something cool i think i should of added more color but it is what it is.\_(-_-)_/

Thursday, August 27, 2020

ant ad

this is my ant snack it was very fun to make but the rainbow makes i a little hard to read but its fine it is still readable

Monday, August 10, 2020

bug'n good cafe

this is my bug menu and this was very fun and i would probably try at least one of these like the cricket milkshake or the bug on a stick

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

my poster

this is my poster it was super fun and i had a really good time doing this and i think i was really creative and i got better at cropping but i still need to use shapes more tho but sometimes i will over use shapes and sometimes i wont use it at all like now but this was still very fun

Thursday, July 23, 2020

70's sports kit

this is my basket ball kit and i think i did really well on this since i only did shapes and no more images i need to get better at thinking of my own things and i needed to copy this it did not come of the top of my mind

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

70's ME!

this is me if i was in the 70's this was very fun and i also had a bit of a laugh and this did not take me long one thing i need to work on is using shapes maybe instead of images all the time but still i did well on the research

70's inventions

Today we have moved on to the 70's and are now learning about this.This is going to be just as much fun as the 90's still feels alot harder but feels worth it and i also learnt a few things about the 70's

Friday, July 3, 2020

Similarities and differences

this is my  Similarities and differences for the 90's cloths and makeup trends this took a lot of time and searching but it was still pretty fun since there is nothing else to pass the time

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2000 music lyrics meanings

this is my 2000 music and what i think the lyrics mean you can have a different opinion but this is my opinion thank you and this will be a little harder to read for you but the meaning is on the right of the doc your welcome

Friday, June 26, 2020

90's vs today's music

this is the 90's music vs today's music and i had to point out the difference this was 1 hour worth of time so hope you like it

Thursday, June 25, 2020

90's comp questions

here is my 90's comp question and here you can find info about some of the best 90's toys hope you like this work

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

my cool 90's outfit

this is my 90's outfit and this was pretty fun plus i get to put my face in this also one of my 90's tasks is this so this was a pretty fun piece of work 😃

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

my 90's car

this is my car and i only used shapes and this took me 40 minutes but it was still very fun

Monday, June 22, 2020

my 90's toy

this is my 90's toy that i needed to invent and this was a pretty fun activity and if this was a real toy in the 90's it would probably be a little popular

90's toys

these are the 90's toys that were very trendy in the 90's and here you will find out some stuff about these toys such as when they were made and if they are still sold

Friday, June 19, 2020

norse gods info

     this is my norse god/goddesses profiles and and all the gods/goddesses have facts about them you did probably dont know about 😃

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

shield story

this is the story of the legendary shield enjoy

Monday, June 15, 2020

gods profiles

all the info about gods is right here for you be free to use this info for your own purpose

Friday, June 12, 2020

blog post

      this week for literacy we are learning about gods and myths and this is one of them this is the moari gods       

Tuesday, June 9, 2020