
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Things employers are looking for


This is my poster of what employers might be looking for.
These are the things that I think you would need if you wanted to get a job somewhere.
I think most of these are fair and easy to do.This was the most I could think up.I think next time I should add more detail.if you have anything you would like to see on this list just comment.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Vision of my future


This is my post of the Vision of my future.This was very fun to do considiring I could tell people about me and what motivates me and ect...This let me talk about myself which was nice.I think next time I could add more detail into it.If you would like you can leave some feedback in the comments.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What Am I Quiz


This is my ocean What Am I Quiz.
This quiz is about sea life.
It was very easy but some of the questions made me think of diffrent animals.
It was very fun and I hope I get the chance to do this again.
If I got any of them wrong just leave some feed back in the comments.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Ocean Word Puzzle


This is my Ocean Word Puzzle. It was very easy cause I did do something similar before involving oceans so I took my knowledge from that and used it now.
The only thing that was kind of hard was the fact that I forgot most of the oceans names.
Other then that I think I got the most of them right.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Famous Landmarks


This is my Famous Landmarks slide.In this I had to fill out info about the famous landmark as you can see. There are 8 famous landmarks on this slide this was a very intresting topic to learn about.I think I did really good on this but next time I do something like this I can add the width instead of the height.Other then that I hope you like it and add some feedback in the comments if you would like.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Continents Attribute Organiser


This is my Continents Attribute Organiser.
I made this and learnt alot of new things and facts in the proccese of making this.
I think I did really well i should just add some more detail and I think I also got most of this correct.
Other then that I think I did pretty well and give some feedback if you would like. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Tokyo Olympic Poster


This is my Tokyo Olympics Poster. 
The four sports on the poster happen to be volleyball archery swimming and handball these are all sports that happen to be in the Tokyo Olympics.
I have played all of these sports. My favorite sport out of these would be volleyball cause considering your only aloud to touch the ball once its a very good team sport that's why I like it.
I think I did good but next time i should make it more detailed and take time.
I do hope you like it tho.